Had been trying to figure out alot of blog stuff today in the morning and afternoon...
My bro-in-law came over to play x-box with my hubby...
since i dont play, i just cooked lunch (fried mee today: result to me not satisfactory) and work on my blog again...
then after that drove hubby to attend a malay wedding and after that we went to POPULAR...
sometimes even if u wanna spend the money, u also have to spent alot of time to decide what to buy.. i have a few $5 discount vouchers for every $20 which expires today. You cant purchase with any other promotion, no textbooks, no nett items.. imagine we spend an hour plus just to decide what to buy.. we try to make sure that we hit just nice $20 to be able entitled to that $5 discount. (in this case it would be 25% off, much more worth it than the 20% voucher)
since we cant finish the voucher i offer to another family but too bad their parents did not want it since they have the 20% voucher.. (Think their maths not realli good.. if i am offered it, i will try to take the $5 discount and the remainder then use the 20% voucher, like that save even more..)
When we came home, i realised that my TV is spoilt......%^#&^!@#!!@*
so angry man... TV is my life.. i watch TV the moment i wake up till i sleep..
now it's spoilt, how do i live without it.... Argh.........
Definitely have to call the repairman to fix it.... he better get the job done quick...
This is the 2nd time it's spoilt... We onli had it for 2 years...
Last year there was something wrong with the colour panel, so we send for repair, imagine today i cant even switch it on... STUPID TV... %^#&^!@#!!@*
Guess cant do anything liao but to go sleep... maybe it will be okie tomolo...
Hard to say....